What Is JEDEC Memory?


If you have ever searched for memory products, then you have likely encountered the term JEDEC. JEDEC memory encompasses flash memory and other forms of mobile and computer memory. JEDEC memory standards make it possible for there to be universal compatibility across designs, making it easier for consumers to shop for devices and parts. Here is what you need to know about JEDEC and the role that JEDEC plays in memory.


History of JEDEC

JEDEC is short for the Joint Electron Device Engineering Council. Though the group is technically known as the Joint Solid State Technology Association today, it is still referred to as JEDEC. The group was founded in 1958 with one council dedicated to tubes and the other to semiconductors. These groups initially existed to assign parts numbers to different devices, but eventually, the work of JEDEC expanded to include the development of standardized testing methods and product standards that could be applied to the semiconductor industry as a whole. Over time, JEDEC has helped the industry adapt to different demands, from military needs in the 1970s to the rise of PCs in the 1980s, through to modern flash memory and DRAM components. JEDEC was also instrumental in developing international standards in the computing industry.


JEDEC Structure

JEDEC is a global organization today. It is made up of 3,000 members who are volunteers. The  members come from approximately 300 different companies in the technology industry. Within JEDEC, there are 50 committees, each of which focuses on a different microelectronic technology topic. The groups each create open standards for their area of focus, which are then approved by a board of directors. These standards are published on the JEDEC website so that they can be used by manufacturers to create products that are universally compatible. Changes to the standards are made as committees determine that advances within the technology industry require a new standard to be put in place. These changes go through the same process of being established within committees and then approved by the board.


Benefits of JEDEC

JEDEC helps to remove the confusion about product selection for consumers who may otherwise struggle to choose products. Having universal standards also makes it easier for technology to continue to advance and evolve since issues regarding compatibility don’t have to be an impediment.


Delkin is pleased to offer products that align with JEDEC standards for simple integration. For more information about JEDEC memory and our line of industrial-grade storage, call us today.


ORDER DELKIN INDUSTRIAL FLASH STORAGE TODAY through our distribution partner Newark.



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