Transportation Applications Embedded Systems
Embedded systems play a large role in transportation applications. They are used for a variety of purposes, from navigation to system performance and operational functions. However, the nature of transportation applications embedded systems is that they are used in operating conditions that are rugged and demanding. As such, any embedded system that is used has to be able to tolerate this kind of environment without any loss of functionality. Any failure of transportation applications could be extremely disruptive, and in some cases, even dangerous. As a result, data security and reliability are critical. To meet these requirements, most designers and OEMs working with transportation applications rely on embedded systems with SLC industrial grade flash storage.
What are embedded systems?
As the name suggests, embedded systems are found inside of, or embedded, in a larger system. These systems typically perform a single task within the broader system. The task may be very minor, or it may be an essential component for the overall functionality of the system, such as data storage and memory. Industrial flash storage is an example of an embedded system that provides a critical function to transportation applications.
What features should transportation applications embedded systems have?
Particularly when it comes to data storage, choosing an embedded system with SLC flash is key. SLC stands for single-level cell and refers to flash memory that stores one bit of data per cell. SLC flash memory offers the highest possible level of data security available, as well as the fastest data storage speeds. For transportation applications, lost data or slow operations can be extremely disruptive. Using SLC flash memory significantly reduces the risk of these kinds of problems.
SLC flash memory is also capable of withstanding the temperature extremes, shock, and vibration that are common in transportation applications. Lower grades of embedded flash memory are unlikely to tolerate the high temperatures and jostling that typically occur during the operations of transportation applications.
Get help meeting your needs for transportation applications embedded systems from Delkin. Our customer applications team has helped hundreds of customers with challenging needs, and we can assist you in finding the right solution for your application.
ORDER DELKIN INDUSTRIAL FLASH STORAGE TODAY through our distribution partner Newark.