Secure Erase Data Features in Flash Memory


An unavoidable issue that is associated with all electronics is data security. From individual smartphone users to major retailers that store sensitive data, maintaining the security of information stored on electronic devices is of major importance. Unfortunately, if electronic devices are lost or if private information remains on devices after they are discarded, then that sensitive data could easily fall into the hands of the wrong person. That is where Secure Erase data features come into the picture. With Secure Erase, data on a flash drive can be fully erased without leaving any trace behind. This is the best way to ensure the security of your sensitive data.


Why isn’t a normal erase function enough?

Most people are familiar with the concept of moving files that they want to be deleted to the trash or recycling bin on their systems. However, doing so doesn’t fully erase the data. It is still possible for someone to recover the data from the files, even if you don’t see the files in their previous storage locations any more.


Secure Erase is a feature that ensures that the information and files you want to erase are actually wiped completely from your system. With Secure Erase, data are overwritten with zeros and ones, so that the old information is replaced with new data. This makes the original data inaccessible. Secure Erase is part of the firmware of a device, so if any pieces of data are missed in the overwriting process, they will be flagged so that they can then be securely erased.


Is Secure Erase the same as file shredding?

Secure Erase and file shredding both perform the same essential function—they permanently erase data—but they are used for two different purposes. Secure Erase will erase an entire drive, so once that function is performed, the device will be wiped clean.


File shredding performs the same function in terms of fully and securely erasing data, but it does so with single files rather than the entire drive. You should use file shredding software when you have individual files that you want to erase, and you should use Secure Erase when you want to wipe an entire drive clean, such as before you discard it.


Delkin has helped a long list of customers with specialized security needs keep their data safe. You can learn more about Secure Erase data capabilities and the other security features available in our flash memory products by contacting us today.


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