Industrial USB Removable Flash Memory


Most people have used a USB flash drive at some point in their lives. This removable form of flash memory makes it easy to transport large amounts of data with a device that has near-universal compatibility. As such, USBs are used by everyone from consumers who need a low-cost storage solution to industrial application designers who need a portable and reliable way to transfer critical data. However, not all USB drives are the same. If you have an industrial application that requires the use of USB removable flash memory, then you have to be sure that you choose a drive that is designed to meet the unique security demands and operating conditions of industrial applications. If you are considering using USB removable flash memory in your device design, here is what you need to know.


Look for SLC or MLC USB Drives

For an industrial application, it is usually necessary to choose a USB that has either SLC or MLC flash memory. SLC, or single-level cell, flash is typically considered to be the gold standard for industrial operations. This kind of flash stores one bit of data per cell, thus protecting critical data from corruption, providing fast read and write operations, and extending the lifespan of the device. SLC flash can also tolerate temperature extremes.


MLC stands for multi-level cell flash. With this kind of memory, two bits of data are stored per cell. MLC offers slightly lower security than SLC flash, plus it has a shorter lifespan, but it does offer higher storage capacities. If you choose an MLC USB removable flash drive, be sure to verify the temperatures it can tolerate to ensure that it will work in your operating conditions.


Consider Housing and Customization Options

For many people, the advantage of using USB removable flash memory rather than embedded storage, aside from the portability, is the potential for customization. Although customization options may differ between USB manufacturers, at Delkin, we offer a variety of housing options—including the option for an uncased PCB—as well as two lengths, custom pad printing or serialization, and much more.


Get answers to your questions about Delkin USB removable flash memory options by calling our customer product team today. We’re here to guide you through the process of selecting storage solutions for your industrial application.


ORDER DELKIN INDUSTRIAL FLASH STORAGE TODAY through our distribution partner Newark.



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