Industrial SLC mSATA SSD for Digital Signage Applications
Interactive kiosks and digital signage applications provide useful information as a public service, guiding us where we need to go as we travel, letting us know about the latest promotion for a brand, and are popular for marketing, outdoor advertising, and exhibitions. Digital signage applications are also widely used in commercial and industrial environments to eliminate paperwork, improve efficiency, and ensure a better quality of service. They display digital images, web pages, restaurant menus, weather data, and time-sensitive information, and are commonly found at busy airports, metro stations, transportation systems, restaurants, movie theaters, public kiosks, and libraries.
We are all aware of digital signage, but have you ever stopped to think how these digital signage applications display dynamic content, accurate time-sensitive information, and real-time updates to viewers? To facilitate the data needed to power these devices, sophisticated systems are running inside these devices, including industrial mSATA SSD. Many digital signage applications operate in extreme weather conditions and require many program/erase cycles, and industrial grade SLC mSATA SSDs can withstand such wear and harsh conditions.
Why Is Industrial SLC mSATA SSD considered to be the ideal choice for digital signage applications?
Embedded systems like digital signage applications require reliable and consistent data so that they can provide flawless service with no down-time. These cutting-edge devices also need to be fast, with minimum delays in displaying the required data to display panels. Since these applications can tremendously impact business, industrial SLC mSATA SSD devices are considered ideal as they are extremely reliable.
In addition, mSATA SSD devices offer a plenty of advantages over the conventional hard-disk drives. Compared to the traditional hard-disk drives, mSATA SSD devices feature much higher reliability and much less power consumption. These high endurance storage solutions come with advanced firmware algorithms and extensive life cycles.
Key Features of Industrial SLC mSATA SSD Cards
1. Extended Life Cycle: Industrial mSATA SSDs are designed so that they can deliver superior longevity without loss of data. These memory cards can easily withstand around 1.7 million hours of steady and continual usage and many read/ write cycles.
2. Optimum Performance: With mSATA solid-state drives, your applications are bound to have optimum performance. These devices will withstand extreme temperatures, vibration, and shock. In digital signage applications where a surpassing performance is the primary criteria, industrial mSATA SSD is the recommended choice.
3. Advanced Firmware Algorithms: In digital signage applications, live updates, time-sensitive information, and other forms of data need to be displayed accurately and be fast. Minor delays in displaying the required information or displaying inaccurate data is never acceptable. To ensure smooth, error-free display and accurate data, these SSD drives feature robust, advanced firmware algorithms to get the job done right.
4. Withstands Extensive Temperature Ranges: Industrial mSATA SSD devices have the ability to withstand extreme temperature conditions. For instance, they can operate within the temperature range of -45C to 90C.
5. Industrial Usage: These flash storage solutions are not meant for commonplace, low-grade consumer products. Rather, they are intended to be used in industrial applications where performance, reliability, longevity, and security are the major concerns. They feature more than two million Write Cycles per each logical block. They are also available in various storage capacities including 256GB, 128GB, 64GB, and 32GB.
To find out more about these advanced industrial storage solutions, contact Delkin Devices. Delkin will personally recommend you the most appropriate industrial flash storage solution for your unique application and customize it accordingly if needed, so that your requirements are met by the best the industry has to offer.