Industrial SD for Controls and Automation Applications

Controls and Automation Application- Delkin Devices

For controls and automation applications, flash storage needs are complex. These applications often have to work in environments with heavy vibrations and shock as well as significant temperature fluctuations. To meet the demands of these rugged environments, developers of controls and automation applications frequently turn to industrial SD for their needs.


What is industrial SD?

Industrial SD is a type of NAND flash storage. It has been developed for industrial applications that use the Secure Digital interface and have the need for a rugged storage device. Industrial SD cards have SLC NAND flash that offers high endurance and a wide range of storage capabilities. All industrial SD cards from Delkin come with a controlled bill of materials, or BOM. They also closely adhere to SD specs from the Secure Digital Association.


The controlled BOM is a key feature that appeals to developers when choosing industrial SD for memory. A controlled BOM means that no critical component of the SD card will be altered unless the product number is completely changed—and when it is necessary for product numbers to be changed, developers and OEMs will receive advanced notice so that they can do a final order when necessary. This prevents in-the-field failures associated with unanticipated parts changes, which is especially critical in applications developed for industrial controls or automation.


When is industrial SD the best option?

Industrial SD cards are ideal for use in applications in which there is limited space for storage devices but a high need for reliability and ruggedness. Industrial SD cards take up a small amount of space and have minimal power needs. They are also extremely easy to integrate into an array of host devices, which can save money and time for developers and OEMs.


Is it possible for industrial SD cards to be customized?

In addition to being easy to integrate, SD cards can be customized. Industrial SDs can be tweaked according to your application’s needs or the specific parameters of the host. It’s possible for cards to have custom labeling, packaging, laser etching, and pad printing, as well as unique formatting and conformal coating. Additional testing and special screenings can also be accommodated.  The high degree of customization available makes industrial SD cards even easier to meld with a variety of controls and automation applications, whether they are being used for machine controls, process monitoring, or program updates.


Contact Delkin for a consultation to determine your flash storage needs. Our team is ready to provide assistance to help you fully understand our range of industrial grade memory products.



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