Industrial Flash Storage Market 2020 Predictions


As with most areas of technology, the flash storage market has evolved quickly over the past few years, with new trends emerging at lightning-fast speed. The market is expected to maintain high levels of growth and fast speeds of change in 2020, particularly in the industrial subset of the market. Whether you’re an OEM, an engineer, a designer, or a tech investor, understanding industrial flash storage market predictions can help you plan for a successful year. Here’s a look at our industrial flash storage market 2020 predictions.



As international flash memory costs fluctuate, Delkin’s built to order in the United States model remains a beneficial.

There are many advantages to building Industrial Storage products in the United States, in addition to synergies accomplished by having all functions under one roof at Delkin Devices. Costs remain less erratic in the US, mainly due to labor and regulations and long-term forecasts. American made Industrial Storage products help boost our economy. The advantages of choosing Delkin Devices Industrial Flash Storage products built in our California, USA location include diversity of the supply chain, order adjustment can be made in minutes, enhanced customization options and support, and reduction in freight costs.



Users will focus on high-density, high-speed products.

We predict that there will be a sharp increase in the demand for flash storage that is both high-density and high-speed. Within the industrial market, these demands will appear alongside the usual expectations of data security, flash memory longevity, and extended temperature ranges. As devices become smaller and more powerful, the need for flash memory that can meet the demands of these devices will continue to grow.


An increase in demand for flash memory in Asia will influence the market.

Flash memory is well established in the US and Europe, but the boom is on the rise in Asia. In 2020 and beyond, expect to see an explosion in demand for enterprise and industrial flash memory in that market. The demand in that region will affect global pricing.


One thing you can count on in the industrial flash storage market for 2020 and beyond is that Delkin will continue to provide top-notch products and customer service. Learn more about our rugged, embedded storage options for industrial applications by contacting us today.


ORDER DELKIN INDUSTRIAL FLASH STORAGE TODAY through our distribution partner Newark.



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