Entertainment Connectivity in Trains, Planes & Automobiles.
Whether it’s for GPS, music and video playback, thermostat control, or a backup camera display, mass storage that provides entertainment and information while traveling has been integrated into most automobiles, airplanes, and trains. Transportation offers a unique environment because of temperature fluctuations that are often extreme, vibration, and sometimes even impact. For these reasons, it is important to choose a memory storage solution that can withstand rough environments and last over time.
Delkin offers SLC flash based storage solutions across several form factors with operating temperatures that range from -40 to 85 degrees Celsius, and feature resistance to vibration up to 2000Hz. Most of our solutions can be customized to meet specific application-based requests, from complying with regulatory requirements to custom data load, duplication, OEM labeling, conformal coating, and more.
Contact Delkin today for a free consultation on the best industrial flash storage solution for your infotainment application.
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